Thursday, September 30, 2004

Health Information

Health Information
EcoViva, Because Health Matters!

Why Organic?

Current US national organic standards forbid the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, antibiotics, artificial ingredients, genetic engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge. The benefits of eating organic, using organic personal care and cleaning products and organic cotton clothes as well as sleeping on organic bedding are plentiful, for both your own health as well as that of the planet.

Better for Your Health

By definition, organic products are free from pesticides, herbicides, and other potentially harmful substances that can damage your health. Exposure to persistent organic pollutants from pesticides has been linked to cancer, immune system suppression, nervous system disorders, reproductive damage, and hormone disruption. Many products that are made from conventionally grown crops show pesticide and herbicide residues. Our bodies can get rid of a certain number of toxins that they come in contact with; in fact, our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins. However, the problem we are facing today is that there are so many exposures to chemical toxins, from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the personal care products we put on our body, that many of us are facing toxic overload and our bodies cannot get rid of all the toxins we are taking in.

Babies and kids tend to be more vulnerable because of their more immature immune systems and their lower body weight compared to the amount of food they eat. Those with chronic illness or whose bodies are weakened for any reason are also more at risk. Farm workers are at risk for illnesses caused by pesticides.

Better for Our Environment

Conventional farming practices have caused many problems in our environment. They adversely affect birds and wildlife as well as fragile ecosystems. It has been estimated that pesticides kill at least 67 million birds in the U.S. each year. In many cases, pesticides applied to fields have led to major ecosystem imbalances that resulted in failed crops. Minor pests can turn into major pests when pesticides eliminate the beneficial insects that keep them in check. Drinking water supplies get polluted. Crop dusting has led to “drift” of pesticides from fields to residential neighborhoods and even schools and caused illness. Organic and sustainable farming methods avoid these and many more problems.

For more information on natural and organic products, visit EcoViva; Because Health Matters.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Cleaning Products

Health Information

Why Buy and Use Natural Cleaning Products

Nature has provided well for us, and we are finding that out more and more, whether it is concerning food, body care, cleaning or other products. Often people who start buying natural and organic products begin with what they eat and drink - food and beverages. After all, these are the most readily available and what we normally think of as the most important products to use in their natural state. In this article, we will discuss the use of natural cleaning products.

Cleaning Products That We Breathe and Touch

We breathe 10 to 20 thousand liters of air per day, so if toxins are contained in that air, we will be inhaling them along with the air. Most of us have grown up using various cleaning products and don’t normally think of them as containing toxins. However, conventional cleaning products are often major contributors to the toxicity of your home. They are the only household products that are regulated under the 1960 Federal Hazardous Substances Labeling Act. It is difficult to determine exactly how hazardous cleaning products are, since manufacturers are not required to disclose ingredients. But many cleaning products include chlorine, ammonia. artificial fragrances, detergents and many more ingredients that are known or suspected to be toxic to the human body. The following is a list of common cleaning product ingredients, possible side effects and some of the products these ingredients can be found in

Cleaning Product Ingredients

Found in glass cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, disinfectants and more.

  • Can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory passages
  • Very toxic when inhaled in concentrated form
  • Can affect ecosystems leading to adverse effects to plants, animals and fish

Artificial Fragrances
Found in body care, cosmetics, cleaning products such as laundry detergents and more.

  • Derived in large part from petrochemicals
  • Some are carcinogenic, and others contain or release formaldehyde
  • Often cause headaches, skin irritation, nausea and allergies

Found in bleached paper products, such as paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Also found in dishwasher detergent, laundry bleach, tub and tile cleaners and more.

  • One of today’s most heavily used chemicals
  • This toxic chemical causes the most poisonings in our homes each year in the U.S.
  • In 1993, the American Public Health Association passed a resolution urging the American industry to stop using chlorine.
  • There is growing evidence that chlorinated drinking water causes bladder and rectal cancer
  • Chlorine can irritate the lungs, damage skin, eyes and other membranes
  • Chlorine is listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act as a hazardous air pollutant

Petroleum Distillates (toluene, xylene and benzene)
Found in laundry stain removers, pesticides, furniture polish and other home cleaners.

  • Skin, respiratory and eye irritant
  • Can lead to brain damage
  • Many petroleum distillates are carcinogenic

Found in laundry detergents, disinfectants, all-purpose cleaners and furniture polish.

  • Can cause swelling and hives
  • Internal consumption very toxic

Believe it or not, there are many non-toxic natural cleaners out on the market today that do as good a job or better than many of their more toxic counterparts. You can reduce your exposure to the dangerous chemicals listed above by using these more natural cleaning products. You don’t have to change everything overnight. Try replacing just one of your cleaning products with a natural one next time you run out.

So, in conclusion, although it is very important to eat natural and organic food, and drink clean water, it is also very important to use natural body care and cleaning products, because these are products that we absorb through our skin and breathe from the air. We have so much exposure to toxins these days that any way we can reduce that toxic load can’t help but be healthy for our bodies, as well as for the earth.

Organic and natural cleaning products can be be found at
We tested and recommend Bi-O-Kleen Natural Cleaning Products..

Written by EcoViva™ – we search for the best in organic and natural products for you, your loved ones and our earth – Because Health Matters™.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Why Organic?

Health Information

EcoViva, Because Health Matters!

This news feed is presented by EcoViva.

Why Organic?
Current US national organic standards forbid the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, antibiotics, artificial ingredients, genetic engineering, irradiation and sewage sludge. The benefits of eating organic, using organic personal care and cleaning products and organic cotton clothes as well as sleeping on organic bedding are plentiful, for both your own health as well as that of the planet.

Better for Your Health
By definition, organic products are free from pesticides, herbicides, and other potentially harmful substances that can damage your health. Exposure to persistent organic pollutants from pesticides has been linked to cancer, immune system suppression, nervous system disorders, reproductive damage, and hormone disruption. Many products that are made from conventionally grown crops show pesticide and herbicide residues. Our bodies can get rid of a certain number of toxins that they come in contact with; in fact, our bodies are designed to eliminate toxins. However, the problem we are facing today is that there are so many exposures to chemical toxins, from the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the personal care products we put on our body, that many of us are facing toxic overload and our bodies cannot get rid of all the toxins we are taking in.

Babies and kids tend to be more vulnerable because of their more immature immune systems and their lower body weight compared to the amount of food they eat. Those with chronic illness or whose bodies are weakened for any reason are also more at risk. Farm workers are at risk for illnesses caused by pesticides.

Better for Our Environment
Conventional farming practices have caused many problems in our environment. They adversely affect birds and wildlife as well as fragile ecosystems. It has been estimated that pesticides kill at least 67 million birds in the U.S. each year. In many cases, pesticides applied to fields have led to major ecosystem imbalances that resulted in failed crops. Minor pests can turn into major pests when pesticides eliminate the beneficial insects that keep them in check. Drinking water supplies get polluted. Crop dusting has led to “drift” of pesticides from fields to residential neighborhoods and even schools and caused illness. Organic and sustainable farming methods avoid these and many more problems.

Why Natural?
OK, so I see why it is better to use products that were made with organic ingredients whenever possible. But why is it better for things to be natural? Aren’t a lot of the new, synthetic products that have been created progress? Weren’t they created to fulfill a need? Aren’t they better? Why should I search out and use natural products?

EcoViva, Because Heath Matters!